Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Make Your Own Wwe Wrestler World Online

construction of a bolt pistol, Part 3: Interim goal

intermediate target
Thus, the bolt pistol is ready for the games. Given that the heretics have nothing to laugh about;)
Today I painted only the two first Aquila black and then gold.

For the Game's enough first so, since it is feared also that the gun is there to go through a few hands ^ ^

After the Game I will definitely be that "sex" chrome gold shade at the mouth opening more and thus creating a Verrußungseffekt. On clamping mechanism, I may put another plastic card Regiment coat of arms, a look.

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construction of a bolt pistol, Update: The 2 Aquila more plans

The Aquila
have just ordered GW Aquila collected. The largest is actually the right size for my purposes, I do not huge, but only 2 small front Aquila would have near the estuary.

As with GW products are still common mass of liquid tin is in the symbols. I will tonight have to file first time before the icons will have their place on the bolt pistol.

with the finish I will wait till after the game and then emphasize details.

same time I ordered 3 copies of the cheaper Maverik, I have some other ideas for rebuilding. And the Nerf N-Strike Recon CS-6 is also still at my house and waits to be converted to a M36 rifle laser.
A nice template for the laser gun, I found the Inquisitonstrupp 23 ( Link ) and Lexicanum ( Link )

Monday, October 19, 2009

Legs Go Numb After Taumatic Accident

construction of a bolt pistol, Part 2 and: Entnerfizierung, paint and reassemble

Continued from construction of a bolt pistol, Part 1
The Entnerfizierung
The removal of decals and logos was relatively simple. With a file roughly weggefeilt everything and then smoothed with a scraper. After that, all traces were removed.
The whole thing lasted less than 15 minutes

The painting
The painting was a bit nasty, because the basement where all I did was poorly ventilated.
The metallic color I was much too bright, so I darkened the paint with irregular bursts "Chaos Black" by GW.

The assembly went very well, screwed up was completed on the date on which all. Then I noticed this is not the drum turned. So screwed back, looked up, it was all right. Funny so screwed back and ... Drum roll ... It did not work again ... Shit! So
thought, pondered, and then the screws near the rotational mechanism a little loose and viola! The drum was spinning.

Tomorrow evening I will still worried after I had done a few decorations, the decorations and the finish.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Make Webgame Tempalte

construction of a bolt pistol, Part 1: Design & Cutting

First, for those who do not know what a bolt pistol is a link
The weapon should be suitable for use on LARPs.

plans to paint the Nerf gun metal and provided with a golden mouth, and 2 golden Aquila . The weapon
should fit to a (superior), Imperial Commissioner .

be decomposed to decent painting, the Nerf-gun completely.
the weapon after this I also get back together, I took pictures of various steps that you find here . I

the Nerf gun had broken into the following steps: Loosen the bolts on
  1. clamping mechanism (3 pieces) and remove the two shells. This can lead to a snapping noise, as the clamping mechanism connected with a spring in the gun is.
  2. only then can the bolts of the case be resolved, since a screw is located under the clamping mechanism. Thereafter, the housing can be removed easily.
    The side with the screws should be paid on top.
  3. then I've removed the ammunition drum. This is quite easy, as the drum is simply connected.
  4. Then just take out the pressure chamber and the spring
  5. An adjacent
  6. Now I have solved the spring of the clamping mechanism.
  7. then I have removed the trigger (watch out for the spring, otherwise it flies across the room.
  8. Then I have the screws of the Rotary mechanism solved (carefully, the whole is slightly under tension, as under the mechanism is a button with a spring is located.
  9. Finally I removed all the loose parts (knob, spring, river mouth).
The whole structure is not particularly complicated, so I'm optimistic that the whole relatively easy to assemble again leaves.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Country Song That Goes Du Du Du Dun

Daily Scrum with Scrum for Team System

In this section, I describe how we use Scrum for Team System in our daily Scrum meetings.

Part 1: Sprint planning
Part 2: Daily scrums
Part 3: Sprint Review & Retrospective

Part 2: Daily Scrum Meetings

Our Daily scrums are always held before lunch and take about 15 minutes. Answered each in turn points:
  • What have you done since the last Daily Scrum?
  • what you are going to make up for the next Daily Scrum? Where did you
  • obstacles?
We use the digital task board to record the points raised. When asked "What have you since the last Daily Scrum ?. Made "we refer to a large monitor on the yellow paper, we briefly show the course, progress, context, etc. is their own points and value - if possible -. The time remaining Again, it is so that we . the outstanding hours only estimate of thumb, it just depends on the progress of geimeinsammen

The shift of the yellow piece of paper (the Sprint Backlog Items) easily using drag & drop.

From the "pushing" of Sprint Backlog Items (SPI) during the daily Scrum flow naturally great and meaningful burndown charts with Trend Forecast:

The digital version of the task board brings a lot of positive on the one hand, on the other hand, is missing the tactile experience of just "my yellow card", which I put on the whiteboard to "done". I've heard use the two task teams boards. A classic conventional whiteboard with index cards next to the digital version. Both are synchronized after each Daily Scrum. Also a good idea!

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I know what you're flying

Currently I play EVE offline rather than online. The skills run to the right to fill the idiots kill board with kills and I program at the site depp 2.0.

The goals are ambitious. It states, inter alia, an industrial module scheduled and a POS module. I do not want Replace cramp any other tool but the idiots simplify their game.

is currently the module "Fleet Commander" in beta status. This module allows you to get an overview of all the idiots who can fly a specific type of ship. First sounds complicated, so an example.

"Hey Tengu, you know what we have in Capital pilots? I need a fix 20 times Dread pilots, as is ne POS on my right cheek, which must go!"

* klickediklack *... So I can fly the Revelation, Kami the Moros, Navaris Phoenix ne ... "

The DEPP-FC selects the type of ship, which he would like to see and the module seeks out all the morons, the purely of the skills her to fly these ships.

And you need not even a full API key for it ...

Monday, October 5, 2009

What Ties Goes With Grey Shirt

Sprint Planning with Scrum for Team System

After now 20 sprints to set for our team, an optimal sequence of the Organization of sprints. The tools we use Excel, TFS, Scrum for Team System (Conchango) and the Task Board for Team System . I want you three Blog parts imagine how we use the tools for SCRUM and how the end of the sprints designed it.

Part 1: Sprint planning
Part 2: Daily scrums
Part 3: Sprint Review & Retrospective

Part 1: Sprint planning

We have been building our 4th Sprint all artifacts of the sprints in to TFS. Using TFS to Begin was time-consuming than the use of index cards on tried and true whiteboards. But it has quickly established a routine and is promptly rewarded by automatically generated burndown charts, user stories, backlogs, test plans or version plans. All this information is preparing TFS on a timely and convenient. And for this effort and time spent really worth!
The sprint planning is at the beginning of each sprint. The following procedure (and time) has established itself:
  1. capacity planning of the team for the sprint period
    (15 minutes)
  2. development of TFS work items of type "Sprint"
    (1 minute)
  3. setting all the Sprint Backlog Items (SPI) for the upcoming product backlog items (PBI)
    (1 afternoon)
  4. Commitments of the team to the Sprint Goal
    (10 minutes)
  5. transferring the results into TFS
    (30 minutes)
a) capacity planning of the team for the sprint period
Before starting the sprint planning, the capacity of the team in the sprint period requested. I have this created an Excel template. In this enters each team member, how many days it is a week in the upcoming sprint duration.




















Total (days)
sum (h)
correction factor
hours (approx.)

For team members, have the unpopular side jobs, which can hardly be part of the planning, we have introduced a correction factor empirically. This time we improve our estimate. Anna is our build Masterin (for other teams) and can develop only 80%, Gerd supports the support and therefore has a factor of 0.7 (70%). This is not to calculate the precise number of hours with "decimal point". Important, only the magnitude.

b) Development of a TFS work items of type "Sprint"
Now a new TFS work item is created, type "Sprint".
This is done via the menu entry Add Work Item .

The determined from the capacity planning hours are entered in the field Capacity (hours) . In field
Sprint name the iteration is selected (iterations are created in the TFS Project Settings). The field
Sprint Goal bleit still empty and is filled until the end of the planning meetings with the summary of commitment to the Sprint goal.

c) setting all the Sprint Backlog Items (SPI) for the upcoming product backlog items (PBI)
Now Finally we come to the core: the actual sprint planning!
this purpose, the team in a room. The upcoming PBI is known then it applies to each of the PBI, the SPIs to be determined. These controls each team member's input to the task at hand. We consider this an Excel table set, we project with a projector on the wall. This is often very dynamic. Points are being added, which it will be deleted, it is estimated, distributed, combined ... This dynamic is the reason why we keep all the points, first in Excel and create not just in TFS. work items can not be erased together, or split up. How does

the Excel template from?

In its list of PBI, we write all the necessary SPIs and appreciate their effort.


Product Backlog Item (sorted by priority)
sum hours
Sprint Backlog Items (defined in this planning session)
hours estimated

Use the sum function by Excel, the hours are calculated for the PBI. With capacity in mind is soon clear that PBI in the sprint can be implemented and what not.
The example below shows a planning table in Excel. The user story such as D can not be performed because the capacity already exhausted with C user story is.

1 User Story A
New data field "expired" in DB
Property and validation in MT
unit test
GUI extension
etc ...

2 User Story B
etc ...

3 User Story C
etc ...

4 User Story D
etc ...

Here is a screenshot of the sprint planning with Excel:

d Commitment) of the team to the Sprint Goal
At the conclusion of the sprint planning session, the team needs a commitment to Sprint Target release.
The Sprint Goal is a brief summary of what is being done in the proposed Sprint.

e) transferring the results into TFS
for the team members is to plan now complete. Then I prepare everything in TFS for the next sprint. This requires all Product Backlog Items (PBI) updated be and the new Sprint Backlog Items (SPI) is applied. First of all I
as a stale PBI the next sprint.

About the Work Item list, I sort Product Backlog Items to Business Priority .
Here, I assign the number to fast all affected PBI field Release and / or Sprint the sprint.

are updated every PBI I start the associated SPI. This can also be done via the Team Explorer. I'm using but the Task Board for Team System . This tool makes the work much more quickly and after 2-3 sprints you have paid for the license costs about 50 € loose.

You start the task board , selects the desired sprint and it is an appealing WPF interface that is reminiscent of a task board on a whiteboard.

All SPIs to a PBI, you can now create quickly
calls by using the context menu, the menu item Add Sprint Backlog Item .

In Title and Description you I shall indicate the most important items for the SPI. The field
Description is in fact often empty.
it is important to enter the hours under SPI Estimanted Effort and Work Remains . The field
Assigned To remains empty at the beginning. It was not until the Daily scrums share the tasks to team members themselves. can

are updated every PBI and built all the SPIs the sprint start ...