Tuesday, December 1, 2009

L Hawkins Pressure Cooker Safety Valve

Sprint Review & Retrospective with Scrum for Team System

In this section, I describe how we use Scrum for Team System in sprint reviews and retrospectives at Sprint. And so we do not manage impediments to Scrum for Team System ...

Part 1: Sprint planning
Part 2: Daily scrums
Part 3: Sprint Review & Retrospective

Part 3: Sprint Retrospective Reviews &

3.1 Sprint Review
At the Sprint Review is where the team members, the product owner or experts. It is presented on a projector, the product increment.
was successfully implemented, the appropriate product backlog items to "done" to be set. If a product backlog item but not the ideas, needs to be improved. Such a product backlog item stays with the status "in progress" in the product backlog and is the highest priority for the following sprint at the top. We usually use the task board to set the status of PBI.

3.2 Retrospective
the retrospective we meet for an hour after a sprint to reflecting the activities of the sprint:
  • What was good?
  • What was not so good?
  • What do we do better
Each team provides "input" The results hold in a Work Item Type "Retrospective" fixed?.

There was still something? Correct the Impediments ...

3.3 Impediments (obstacles) better on a whiteboard!
impediments hinder the team to the product increment to finish. Obstacles must be cleared quickly from the road. To do this is for the SCRUM master. One obstacle, for example, "more RAM for the build-server", or "it still lacks the process consultation with department XY". Our obstacles are complex and usually short-lived. That is why we manage or not it WorkItemType "Impediments" in TFS, but on a whiteboard - for everyone in the team visible!


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