Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Half Head Highlights On Brown Hair

Team Velocity From Dream to waste

Team Velocity = story points per sprint.
We had some sprints behind us, now was the Velocity Report interesting. This has seen how many story points the team managed in the sprints. Now led Although a realistic average of 34 story points. But it also found values of 5 to 82 How do these fluctuations occur in the Velocity Report?
first PBI run over several sprints.
Yes we have them! This Product Backlog Items (PBI), the "slip" of a sprint to the next and never really be finished. The classic "Everything in Progress" problem. It lacks only hold a review with the department or a test of a data interface. But the resources outside of the team are not available, sick, on vacation or other "priority 1 issues" deals. We can then use the Product Backlog Items (PBI) is not fully complete. It goes into the next sprint. If the PBI finally set to "Done", evaluates the TFS Story Point fully to the current Sprint, although the bulk of the work was done in a previous sprint.
Conclusion: Blocking resources outside the team's progress, unfortunately, so you have to live
second Reporting problem: Story Points appear in the next sprint.
A similar problem exists here. Here too, the day will decide where the PBI to "Done" was set to count for which Sprint's story points. Often, the story points were displayed until the following Sprint ( red arrows). We had the PBI, however, completed on time! What had happened?

the last Daily Scrum a Sprint, we always held on the morning of the day planning for the following from Sprint. We often have outstanding issues on "done" is set (usually any branching, build infrastructure or tasks). And that was the problem. The PBI were then already the next sprint, the time period had already begun. We have solved the problem by scheduling a follow-sprints still in the time interval of the current sprint is taking place. Then you can put even on the last day, points to "done" without reporting is offended ...
Conclusion: Story points are exactly the sprint-interval counting was set in the status of the PBI to "Done".


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