Saturday, June 5, 2010

How To Get Different Jackets In Jibbin

With SQL CTE values from prior row determine

This example will show the problem. It shows a table with progressive consumption and hour meter.

value table
hours consumption
a 1.8
2 4.6
3 6.8
4 7.7
5 9.0
6 12.3
7 14.8
8 15.9

Our interest is the calculation of consumption per hour. For this you have only one, the difference of fuel consumption calculated.
hours consumption minus consumption line before is consumption per hour
a 1.8 - 0.0 = 1.8
2 4.6 - 1,8 = 2,8
3 6,8 - 4,6 = 2,2
5 7,7 - 6,8 = 0,9
6 9,0 - 7,7 = 1,3
7 12,3 - 9,0 = 3.3
8 14.8 - 12.3 = 2.5
9 15.9 - 14.8 = 1.1

how to do this with SQL? My first "reflex" a solution was a CURSOR in a stored procedure. This works, of course. Mexicans remember, however, that SQL is a query language is set, one can find a more elegant solution. We have two sets. Our main table and the amount of output table one row. JOIN We both quantity and subtract the fuel consumption.

How then do a JOIN on the line before?

Since SQL 2005 is the TSQL function ROW_NUMBER (). you are as an integer returns the number of the line. We can perform the necessary join on the line before by us in the second set the Row_Number return minus 1 :

amount of consumption
column with Row_Number
amount of consumption
column with Row_Number minus 1
consumption ROW_NUMBER
1.8 a
4,6 2
6,8 3
7,7 4
9,0 5
12,3 6
14.8 7
15.9 8
ROW_NUMBER - 1 consumption
1-1 = 0 1,8
2 -1 = 1 4,6
3 -1 = 2 6,8
4 -1 = 3 7,7
5 -1 = 4 9.0
6 -1 = 5 12.3
7 -1 = 6 14.8
8 -1 = 7 15.9

with ROW_NUMBER and ROW_NUMBER minus 1 gives the two sets for the join to the previous column:

consumption ROW_NUMBER ROW_NUMBER - 1 consumption
0 1.8
1.8 a 1 4,6
4,6 2 2   6,8
6,8 3 3 7,7
7,7 4 4 9,0
9,0 5 5 12,3
12,3 6   6 14,8
14,8 7   7   15,9
15,9 8

with a CTE, we are now the result of the same issue in one go:

  1:   WITH  table of values (hours, consumption) 
  2:   AS  
  3 :  (
  4:   SELECT  hours = 1, consumption = 1.8  UNION  
  5:   SELECT  hours = 2, consumption = 4.6  UNION  
  6:   SELECT  Hours = 3, consumption = 6.8  UNION  
  7:   SELECT  hours = 4, consumption = 7.7  UNION  
  8:   SELECT  hours = 5, consumption = 9.0  UNION  
  9:   SELECT  hours = 6, consumption = 12.3  UNION  
  10:   SELECT  hours = 7, consumption = 14.8  UNION  
  11:   SELECT  hours = 8, Power = 9.15 
  12: ) 
  13: , set1 (No, hour, consumption) 
  14:   AS  
  15:  (
  16:   SELECT  
  17:  ROW_NUMBER ()  OVER  ( ORDER   BY  hours)  AS   'No' , 
  18:  hours, 
  19:  consumption 
  20:   FROM  value table 
  21: ) 
  22: , SET2 (NrMinusEins, hour, consumption) 
  23:   AS  
  24:  (
  25:   SELECT  
  26 :  (ROW_NUMBER ()  OVER  ( ORDER   BY  hours) - 1)  AS   'NrMinusEins' , 
  27:  hours, 
  28:  consumption 
  29:   FROM  value table 
  30: ) 
  32:   SELECT  
  33:  Menge1.Betriebsstunden, 
  34:  Menge1.Verbrauch, 
  35:  Menge2.Verbrauch  AS   'consumption line before' , 
  36:  Menge2.Verbrauch - Menge1.Verbrauch  AS   'consumption per hour'  
  37:   FROM  
     38:      Menge1  

     39:      INNER     JOIN   Menge2   ON   Menge1.Nr = Menge2.NrMinusEins 




Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ice Skating In A Skirt Vs Jeans


Just As I look again into the German EVE Forum in and see what my eyes? Providence no longer CVAS hands? Shit! What about the idiots?

am After more than 90 pages in the thread I will be smarter.

Somehow it probably messed with CVA-A and A-has brought out the big club. I had somehow never really kept entirely possible although it was clear that CVA and Providenceholder the space can not keep if it is really the shit hits the steam.

Well, now it's happened. Perhaps we had still had something right when we more or less voluntarily -7 - were gone.

I hope the mop and the other idiots doing well and they soon find a beautiful new place to live:)

And yes, I dont really think about it again to do with EVE. Not today or tomorrow, let's see. My assets would have to be in 0.0 at Ev0ke. Since DEPP is Ev0ke, should not be a problem, rauszuholen the stuff. Let's see ... :)

Small Grand Banks Trawlers


I admit that I initially more on the side of the "Who needs an iPhone" and now "Who needs an iPad" stand whiners. Sure, there are enough alternatives to the iPhone. And then the tutelage of Apple with its Appstore ...

One of my colleagues is Apple fan, and now has an iPad. Logically, each time around tried it, myself included.

I've changed my mind! Who has never known how to surf with the iPad content through the Internet or how to actually "understand" who does not understand well all the hype.

If the thing were not so damn expensive, I would buy one.

Just to again be clear that you need really a iPad. Any Windows PC can do its work and is probably even more powerful. But you sometimes want to surf the web on the couch? I have done with the laptop of my girlfriend. Screen can be adjusted if we put aside to readjust. The thing is warm, you have to press buttons, etc. The iPad solves all very elegant and this is one of the reasons why I also want to have such a part. But do not fall for some 500 Ocken, this would require the iPad to maybe 150-200 euro.