Wednesday, July 2, 2008

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Scrum - Our Kick-Off

been working this week, we now Scrum . We decide which tasks (that is actually the Sprint Backlog Items) build in our TFSS. There we are still using the MSFA project template. The actual Scrum workflow But if we find a whiteboard for everyone to play through. We want to establish for the first time the process before we move the complete Visual Studio project into a new Scrum TFS project.
What was it for evidence at the first planning meeting?
The requirement to "address all the critical points first" disabled an equal load in the team Scrum demands that the critical aspects of iterations / sprints are always addressed first. So we created a list of all the points have a high risk or critical. This approach, we wanted first. When you look through the points we noticed the same, the only completely could perform certain tasks this person. A uniform load in the team was not given anymore. We have experts ("head monopolies") and the know-how is distributed very unevenly. We still managed to distribute the tasks fairly evenly.
developers have a hard effort to assess their work packages.

This sobering statement did not surprise me. The estimation of the duration of individual work packages are needed for the planning of a sprint. It is often recommended story points and the effort to determine the capacity of the team. We try first with hours. This is familiar to us. Let's see if later story points are not yet appropriate.

The first sprint planning takes (and lasts and lasts ...)

It took very long for the first sprint planning. Over three days we spent until the planning was. Planning should be carried out in a day. One hears and reads, however, that the first time it always takes a long time ... What were the results?
Our goal
Complete SQL GUI Interfaces & Finish base function for ... "
The tasks (Sprint Backlog Items or Tasks)

For now's out already not bad!

all have contributed.

Everyone knows the goal for the next 3 weeks